Human Rights and Environmental Complaints

What is this for?

Anyone with a concern about a human rights or environmental issue related to Amazon's business or supply chains, including:

  • Child labor and young workers
  • Forced labor and modern slavery
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Wages and benefits
  • Working hours
  • Discrimination and harassment
  • Unethical behavior and corruption
  • Right to peacefully assemble and associate with others
  • Land and natural resources
  • Hazardous waste management and disposal

To report issues with products, orders or deliveries, please use the 'contact us' page on your Amazon account. Customer Service issues will not be resolved through this web form.

This form is not an emergency service. Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

For more information on the procedure and frequently asked questions, please click here to download.

How to report a human rights or environmental issue

Report Anonymously
If you wish to remain anonymous but have a concern to raise with Amazon, please use this service. Please note that if you select this option you will not receive any updates from Amazon regarding its...Read more
Sign in & Report
If you wish to discuss and track progress on your issue please login using your Amazon credentials (or create a login if you do not have an Amazon account) and report your issue. A member of the Ama...Read more
Report a Case
This will report a case anonymously
Fields marked with * are mandatory

Physical address or Site code
Please provide as much detail as possible, including names of those involved or witnesses and any other information that could be valuable in the evaluation and ultimate resolution of this incident.
We recognize that this incident may not have occurred in a particular location. However, if this incident did not take place at a physical location, but instead through communications, written documents, or a transaction, please indicate this accordingly.
Examples: Tuesday, May 3, 2012; two weeks ago; approximately a month ago
By submitting your report, you agree to Amazon’s Privacy Notice, which applies to the information you provide to Amazon to report a human rights or environmental issue or violation.
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Allowed Filetypes: xml, csv, doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, tiff, xlsx, xls, txt
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Thank you for your submission. A member of the Amazon team may reach out to you to discuss the issue and support our investigation. All communications, if any, are confidential. Submission completeClose